The Blue Light Diet Blog

Red Light Therapy And Cognitive Performance Jun 23, 2019

This is a guest post by Bart Wolbers. Bart finished degrees in Physical Therapy (B), Philosophy (BA and MA), Philosophy of Science and Technology (MS - Cum Laude), and Clinical Health Science (MS), and helps thousands of people take charge of their own health with his company Nature Builds...

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No, Melatonin is NOT For Sleep... Jun 10, 2019

Ok, so I may have told a little half truth to get you to stop and read this quick but important post.

I should have said "Melatonin is not JUST for sleep".

Melatonin does have a something to do with your sleep but infinitely more important, melatonin is more of a SIGNAL of darkness that helps...

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BLUE LIGHT DIET DECLASSIFIED: Got Leaky Gut - Dysbiosis? Get Morning Sunshine. Here's Why/How... Jun 08, 2019

Problems with your gut?

This three minute read from the Blue Light Diet Declassified blog series will help you.


Well I bet some of those pills, potions and probiotics you're taking will definitely help you, I like the protocol laid out by Dr Grace Liu at The Gut Institute myself.

I also bet...

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CIRCADIAN SYNDROME: Your New Approach for Treating Metabolic Syndrome Jun 05, 2019

There is a gang of disorders that leads to cardiovascular disease and other diseases like type 2 diabetes. High blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol or triglycerides, insulin resistance and fat beer bellys. This unhealthy gang of disorders is known as Metabolic Syndrome and about...

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BLUE LIGHT DIET DECLASSIFIED: Green Tea and Red Light Supercharged Skin Rejuvenation Protocol May 30, 2019

Do you have skin issues?

Wrinkles making you look a little older than you are?

Stay out a little too late on a Friday night and skin looking saggy and dehydrated the next day?

Wanna stop spending an obscene amount of money on skin treatments?

For today's two minute read, I've declassified a secret...

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Dermatology Blue Light Diet Style: Is Your Dermatologist Right About Sunscreen? (2 Minute Read) May 25, 2019

Do you think there is a possibility that dermatologists, while they might mean well, could be wrong about the sun?

This short and to the point blog series will dig into that question.

It is evident current dermatology advice causes more of the dangerous cancers like breast cancer. They tell you...

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