The Blue Light Diet Blog

Circadian Magnetism Feb 11, 2025

Ok, thats not exactly true.

We all know LIGHT and DARK are the main controllers of circadian rhythm but a key enforcer or disruptor of your circadian rhythm that most people forget about is the Earth's magnetic field and even any man-made magnetic field if you hang around in it long enough.

Let me...

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PRO HEALTH TIP: Put Your Fork DOWN When Melatonin Is ELEVATED Feb 27, 2024

I'm going to make this post fast because the conclusion is pretty self evident.

There are many reasons to eat only when the sun is up, the fact that food triggers peripheral clocks and reinforces your circadian rhythm making your body work more efficiently is one of those big reasons. 


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Fix Your Circadian Rhythm, Fix Your Prostatitis or Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome? Aug 03, 2021

This short article may very well be the missing piece of the puzzle you need to become pain free once and for all. It includes four specific strategies you have ignored or have zero clue on that have knocked almost all my prostatitis symptoms down to nothing. Pain, frequency, urgency all almost...

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CORONAVIRUS: How To Fight It and Boost Your Immune System with Day and Night Cycles Mar 16, 2020

Blue Light Diet friends and my family....

Chance favors a prepared mind.

I don't know who said that but it is true and I'm getting a ton of questions so I figured i would write something up about using Blue Light Diet type advice to better prepare for the Coronavirus if it shows up wherever...

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No, Melatonin is NOT For Sleep... Jun 10, 2019

Ok, so I may have told a little half truth to get you to stop and read this quick but important post.

I should have said "Melatonin is not JUST for sleep".

Melatonin does have a something to do with your sleep but infinitely more important, melatonin is more of a SIGNAL of darkness that helps...

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