The Top 3 Vitamin D Lamps

Sep 20, 2024

As I write this, summer is coming to an end in the Northern Hemisphere.

This means the power of the sun is getting weaker.

In fact, the sun will be so weak soon and contain almost no UVB light that much of the USA will not be able to produce Vitamin D from the sun during winter months. Check out this graph and article from Harvard Health.

So how do you keep your Vitamin D levels up during the cold dark winter?

Well first, when did Noah build the Ark?

Before the flood, right?

Before the flood.

When the sun is strong in your location (summertime) you should be SUNLIGHT MAXXING and building up those vitamin D levels as much as you can through sunlight exposure.

1) TEST YOUR D LEVELS: You need to know where you are starting from to determine what to do. If you got sun all summer, your level should be super high and enough to get through the winter with only high vitamin D foods. You can test your D level at home using the simple test from the OmegaQuant Team here.

2) SUPPLEMENT: If your level is high (over 45ng-ish), you can probably just supplement with foods high in Vitamin D and be fine through the winter. The best foods for Vitamin D are fatty fish like salmon and sardines. Egg yolks are good. And mushrooms. Here's a secret trick for mushrooms. Put your mushrooms under one of the Vitamin D lights below. In this study you see how a man living in England cured his vitamin D deficiency by shining UVB light onto 200 g of button mushrooms daily before consumption, for 3 months. Repeat blood testing showed an increase in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of 129%.

Another way to supplement over the winter, which happens to be my favorite way, is to take a vacation to the other hemisphere or closer to the equator to recharge your Vitamin D stores with stronger UVB from the sun.

But if you are on the lower side of the Vitamin D range and can't get to Florida or a tropical island or live in Buenos Aires like I do, supplementing with a special light that emits UVB light is my preferred way to up Vitamin D levels.

Here are my three favorite UVB Lamps plus a DIY version if these lights are out of your price range...

SPERTI: The Sperti Vitamin D lamp is scientifically backed up, proven to generate Vitamin D and very easy to use. They have some studies on their website showing the increase in vitamin d levels it provided. Perfect for beginners because they provide step by step instructions and it takes only 5-10 minutes per session. Their general usage suggestion is 5 minutes every other day. The Vitamin D light emits 20% UVA and 80% UVB. You can see the Sperti details and use code "bluelightdiet" for a discount here.

You can click on the picture below to watch my video review....

CHROMA: The Chroma Vitamin D lamp is more for you expert biohackers. It is a unique LED lamp that also incorporates red and infrared wavelengths of light. 297nm UVB, 405nm violet, 630 & 670nm red, 760 & 850 NIR. All of these different wavelengths of light blend together to more accurately mimic the sunlight you would find outside. Very powerful. Treatment time with this light can be anywhere from 15 seconds to two minutes. You've got to take baby steps when first using this device. I give some suggestions in the Youtube video review below. This light is expensive but estimated to last 30,000 hours. You can use code "bluelightdiet" for a discount and check out this monster here.

Click on the picture below to watch my review of the Chroma Vitamin D Light....

EMR-TEK: The EMR Krypton is the new kid on the block and it is pretty awesome. The light comes in two sizes and includes not only the wavelength of light that produces Vitamin D (UVB) but also UVA, red and infrared light to balance out the overall spectrum of light you receive. It contains 311nm narrow band UVB light, 340-400nm UVA light, 630nm and 660nm red light and 810nm and 830nm near infrared light. 

This light is currently being shipped to me and I have not reviewed it yet but I have no doubt it will be one of the best Vitamin D lights on the market because EMR makes my favorite and most recommended red and infrared light machines but also because the founder has been an expert in narrow band UVB lights for more than a decade, even before he started making red lights.

Get a special discount on the EMR Krypton Vitamin D Light here.....

DO IT YOURSELF D LIGHT: If the above Vitamin D lights happen to be out of your price range, you can build one yourself using less expensive reptile bulbs that work pretty well. Believe it or not, people tend to take better care of their pets than they do themselves and the pet reptile lighting industry makes pretty good lights that bring some of that outdoor light quality indoors. I've created a step by step guide with the exact parts you need here.


That would be my last option.

I would NOT take pills unless I was severely deficient and even then I would only take pills for a short time until I got back to a relatively normal vitamin D level. Taking pills is like having someone do pushups for you. You miss out on many of the benefits you get from the process your body has to go through to make the Vitamin D and they can be bad for you if you take too much or take them for too long. Actually, I would probably try transdermal Vitamin D patches before pills.

Thats all for today. This article is not yet complete and I will add more to it in the next week but I wanted to publish since winter is coming.




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