Visual Difference Between Sunlight & Indoor Artificial Light
Mar 13, 2019
Watch this 12 minute video below, originally posted to The Blue Light Diet Facebook page, and you will be able to see with your own eyes the difference between natural sunlight and indoor artificial light that has been altered by man. More importantly, I go over exactly why indoor artificial light is so bad for your health. The light you are exposing yourself to every day is very different from the light that your body evolved to live under. This artificial light is probably the #1 health mistake you are making today. Watch this video now and you will get it.
Because of how artificial light is made, you are most likely suffering from severe blue light toxicity. Artificial light contains no UV, very little red and infrared wavelengths. The red and infrared wavelengths of light regenerate all the damage that the blue light wavelength does to you. Since you are living under this artificial light day and night, your body is undergoing way more damage because there is so little red light for regeneration.
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